Embodying Love, Power & Peace

Meditation, discussion and
Q&A for women 

LIVE Sunday, October 24th, 12PST

It has been another wild year.


Many of us (including myself!) crave sanctuary—time and space just for ourselves and our sacred Self-care.

Here in the Northern Hemisphere the days are getting shorter. It is time to exhale and reflect on the year that we will soon leave behind. I am inspired to create a space where we can join our forces and explore new ways to stay centered, nourished, and open to the new year.

I am offering a special Soulful journey for us women to tend to all our energies and emotions together that starts October 31st - a journey for women, with women.

This free class is an introduction to this 5-Week Journey.

An opportunity for you to experience the work, ask questions and be with others.

Live, This Sunday 
October 24th

Camille Maurine

I am a meditation mentor, dancer, and the author of Meditation Secrets for Women and Meditation 24/7, both written with my husband, Dr. Lorin Roche. Together we are the founders of Instinctive Meditation™ and the Radiance Sutras School of Meditation. I am also on the faculty of Esalen Institute, 1440 Multiversity, Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, SAND Science and Nonduality, and The Shift Network.

I am an intrepid traveler on the path of embodiment, venturing high and low into the world of energy and love. My work is an intimate fusion of meditation, movement, and expression. I have been blessed by brilliant teachers from many traditions of dance, yoga, meditation, Tibetan Buddhism, body therapy, Continuum Movement, and Jungian depth psychology. All these pathways are one integrated wholeness, different ways of waking up to this mystery of being alive.

I have been on the path of Sacred Feminine for the last 40+ years, mentoring and guiding thousands of women. I have developed close, heart-to-heart relationships with many of you, and am looking forward to being with those of you who are new. Let's come together to find deeper balance and freedom, embodying our Love, Power, and Peace.

Meditation Secrets For Women are frontier material that women everywhere need now.

They and Camille have pivotally changed and enhanced my life.

— Jessica Fleming
MMH, Johns Hopkins Medical School

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