Sanctuary for the Woman's Soul

Strengthen your inner roots
Nurture yourself through movement &
Meditation practices 
for women

Guided by Camille Maurine,

author of Meditation Secrets for Women

Based on the living wisdom in the book I wrote with my husband, Dr. Lorin Roche

Registration is now closed.

Sign up below to be first to find out when class opens up again.

Love, Power & Peace

movement, Meditation & Energy practices for Women

Circle 1: Initiating Your Journey
Circle 2: Power, Presence, Peace
Circle 3: Energy, Emotion, Ecstasy
Circle 4: Grief, Gratitude, Grace

Circle 5: Sanctuary, Spirit, Soul

Weekly Live Classes
Recorded Meditations

Private Group for Communing with Your Classmates


A 3 Month All-Access Pass to 
The Radiance Sutras School of Meditation

* Foundational Instinctive Meditation Course

* Living in Love's Body - Meditation Secrets for Love, Intimacy, and Relationships

* Twice Monthly Live Meditation and Lecture Events

*Two group Meditation Classes a week

* Library of Teachings and Guided Meditations

Special Class for Women in January

Money-Back Guarantee
(see registration below for details)

Over 5 weeks, we delve into movement, meditation and energy practices that deepen your connection to your own essence and fertile inner ground.

Meditation Secrets For Women are frontier material that women everywhere need now.

They and Camille have pivotally changed and enhanced my life.

— Jessica Fleming
MMH, Johns Hopkins Medical School

It's Your Time

to transform, to heal, to evolve

to help bring wholeness to yourself
and others

to transform, to heal, to evolve, to help bring wholeness to yourself and others

You feel that call in your own way.

The call to live in alignment with your body, mind and Spirit.

We women have depths of Love and Power that can be a mighty force of blessing – for one another and for the world.


When we can take the time to heal our wounds and tap into our strength, we can then show up to help others. Only then. 

Over 5 weeks, we delve into movement, meditation and energy practices that deepen your connection to your own essence and fertile inner ground.

Women Are Different

Meditation as we know it was designed by men, for men. If you have ever been stifled by methods that didn't fit your cycle, body type or mood, you're in the right place.

This course will teach you how to meditate with full access to the body wisdom that is part of the Divine.

Learn Instinctive Meditation™ for Women

We will play with new tools and techniques, the practices that will allow you to flow with your own natural rhythms.

Commune with Other Women

As women, we thrive in community - we help build, sustain and nurture it. Over these 5 weeks, we join with other women on this path of embodying freedom, inspiration, and strength.

Embrace Your Cycles

We flow and ebb. We cry and laugh. Our hearts feel deeply. In each circle, we work with core energies to process, ground, and move past whatever is holding you back. Tap into your female power so that you can emerge nourished, revitalized, and stronger than ever.

Over 40 Years of Teaching Embodied Meditation

I have mentored and supported thousands of women to discover their passion, pleasure, and inner peace. Together as a group of women we will explore meditation practices that honor and enhance our natural way of being.

Clear out 2021

Bring in 2022

Is it time for sacred

This has been another intense year as we witness many changes around us that we are often out of control to impact. That can make us feel disempowered, lethargic, depressed...

As we approach the end of the year, consider how you would like to complete it. Think about what you want to create for 2022.

What do you want to bring into your experience in the new year?

What do you want to leave behind?

Learn female-centered meditation practices

Meditation can be sacred Self-Care, profound support for every level of your being – physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. To get the deepest, lasting benefits, you need an approach that honors your woman's way of being, and whatever is going on in your body, heart, and life. 

Let’s explore meditation, movement, and awareness practices that help you stay centered as you move through your life, in touch with your own creative essence, and open to the flow of love in all your relationships – in the way that is meaningful to you.

This practice is the essence of my lifetime of exploration – the direct experience of the subtle yet dynamic reality that is our Essence, our Nature. I am offering this unique ritual journey as a way for us to go deeper, together.

Join Us if You Are...

  • Tired of meditation techniques that don't work for who you are.
  • Ready to learn energy practices that celebrate and honor women's bodies.
  • Yearning for a community, for connections and meaningful conversations with other women.
  • Feel the deep need of a “restart” and “reboot” for your life.
  • Seeking a caring mentor who can support your growth and evolution.

5 Weeks of LIVE 
Meditation for Women

I’ve known and worked with both Camille and her husband Lorin for many years and know them both to be masterful teachers and facilitators. Camille brings a lifetime of experience to meditative practices for women, sharing unusual depth of soul and embodied wisdom. When she speaks or moves, you can feel the love and power as an integration of both inner peace and wild expressive freedom.

Marcia Wieder CEO, Dream University

It’s as rare as it is precious to encounter a woman who embodies such profound wisdom combined with childlike wonder, joy, and curiosity. Camille listens deeply and offers suggestions from her vast experience of energy embodiment, meditation, and depth work with women. I feel tremendous gratitude for my ongoing work with her and know that she has helped me deepen as a teacher, mother, lover and woman.

Shauna Shapiro - Professor and author of The Art and Science of Mindfulness and Mindful Discipline

Meditation Secrets for Women opened me more deeply to my own creative spirit, helping me appreciate myself and my unique gifts and grounding me more firmly in my own practice. On a personal level, I married a wonderful man who has been in my life for a long time!

Sera Crandell - Yoga, Pilates Teacher

What We Do
for 5 Weeks



Initiating your journey









grief, gratitude, grace




What We Do
for 5 Weeks



energy, Emotion, ecstasy



initiating your journey









sanctuary, spirit, soul


Camille Maurine

Welcome to the world of the sacred feminine. In offering this experience, my desire is to create a sanctuary for the women’s soul, a temple for us to dwell in the depths of Love, Power, Peace.

I am a meditation mentor, dancer, and the author of Meditation Secrets for Women and Meditation 24/7, both written with my husband, Dr. Lorin Roche. Together we are the founders of Instinctive Meditation™ and the Radiance Sutras School of Meditation. I am also on the faculty of Esalen Institute, 1440 Multiversity, Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, SAND Science and Nonduality, and The Shift Network, and the creator of Moving Theater of the Soul, a transformational creative process.  

I am an intrepid traveler on the path of embodiment, venturing high and low into the world of energy and love. My work is an intimate fusion of meditation, movement, and expression. I have been blessed by brilliant teachers from many traditions of dance, yoga, meditation, Tibetan Buddhism, body therapy, Continuum Movement, and Jungian depth psychology. All these pathways are one integrated wholeness, different ways of waking up to this mystery of being alive.

To me, teaching is a form of love, a holy conversation in which we all feel free to speak from the heart and say what it is like, this adventure in living we all share.

That is why, from my heart to yours, I invite you to join me and our global community of women for this circle of Love, Power, and Peace.

5 Weeks of


Join an amazing group of women, commune, learn and share.


Can't make it live? You can watch the replays anytime.


To help you steep in the qualities of these embodied female-centered practices.


Need help? We will answer your questions throughout the program.


Meet and share with your wonderful classmates in our private network.

Fantastic! I have loved all the calls, your wisdom coupled with laughter and good humor. It is truly a remarkable program which I know is helping to heal the planet and lift all of us. I am so glad to have this embodied, feminine base as I move through the world of men and texts. It keeps me grounded and I know that I am not alone as I traverse this territory.

Eva Burns - Writer, Mother, Student of Ancient Wisdom

I recommend this course to any woman who is interested in learning to meditate or deepening/expanding the practice they already have. The calls and guided meditation practices enhance the use of the book and cater to any learning style. Even though it is an internet program, the support and intimacy is abundant and the collective of women helps contain my process in a supportive womb of transformation.

Kimberlee Orenstein - Founding Director, Yoga Loka Reno

Meditation Secrets for Women has brought me into greater intimacy within my meditation practice and my own essential, sensual nature. The skills I’ve cultivated from learning the Secrets have inspired me creatively, and helped me heal at deep layers of my being, instilling within me a true sense of self love and care. I see the inner wisdom of honoring our unique needs and desires serves all our relationships in the world.

Melanie Foust - Yoga and Meditation Teacher

Sign up

to hear when we open class again

Meditation Secrets for Women

* 5 Weeks of Live, Recorded Classes

* Recorded Meditations

* Private Group for Communing with Classmates

* Library of Teachings and Guided Meditations


A 3 Month All-Access Pass to The Radiance Sutras School of Meditation

* Foundational Instinctive Meditation Course

* Living in Love's Body - Meditation Secrets for Love, intimacy, and Relationships

* Twice Monthly Live Meditation and Lecture Events

* Two group Meditation Classes a week

* Library of Teaching and Guided Meditations

Special Class for Women in January

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